Kicksled SnowPlow

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  • Regular price $274.00
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Be your own snowplow.

Yes this is a real thing. Yes, it is made of steel. Yes, it goes on the front of a kicksled. Yes, it is powdercoated fire engine red.

This chunk of metal is packed with 100% more fun than regular vanilla on-your-feet snow shovelling.

Now you can plow your own walkway on the way to get the mail in 3 seconds flat. It is perfect for people tired of their city's disinterested and impressively unenthusiastic approach to snow clearing and well anyone who wants to take things into their own hands, er feet.

Or maybe you lived your whole life by "their" rules and now that you are 75 you want to channel your great-great-great Swedish grandmother and be just as "badass" as she was.

Whatever, don't miss out. 

We only ordered two of these to fill room on the pallet. One of them could be yours.
Winnipeg Trails is keeping the other one.