700 x 38B (40-635)(28" x 1-1/2") – Studded Schwalbe Winter

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  • Regular price $43.00
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Identical to the Marathon Winter, but with the studs only where you need them the most.

Are studs worth it? It depends. If you're regularly on ice, maybe. If you're on packed snow, or concrete, etc, they'll actually slow you down (and make a lot of noise), a good tire with a little bit of tread, at a slightly lower PSI than max, in our experience, works best. 

If the bike lanes near you have anything other than packed snow, or bare asphalt, let your local city councillor know, shouldn't be like that.

If you're only getting one, put it on the front.

Rumour has it that Schwalbe has discontinued this tire in this size, so act quick!

While quantities last. We bought the remaining stock from the warehouse, and got a good deal by doing so, thereby making them cheaper for you!

Need these shipped? We'll fold them up to fit in a small box, the cost of shipping for one tire should be fairly accurate, more than 1 and you be might be quoted a larger, inaccurate shipping price. Feel free to order one, leave a note in your order for the quantity desired, and we'll invoice you the balance.